Mindful Eating

Do you constantly eat while watching TV?

Sometimes we get so busy we just grab some food to throw in our mouth and forget to be mindful about our food.

This can lead to under/over eating and choosing less optimal foods. This also plays a role in digestion if you aren’t chewing your food properly.

First, observe yourself. Are you hungry or are you just thirsty?  Have a big glass of water before you eat to see if that satisfies you first.

Choose foods that fuel your body properly. Is it going to nourish your body with vitamins, proteins, fats and carbs or is it full of additives and chemicals?

Be present and enjoy the moment and experience your meal or snack. How many times are you watching TV or on your phone and not really paying attention to what you are eating?

Savor the taste. Food is meant to taste good. Don’t stuff your meal down, enjoy the aroma, taste and texture.

Notice your feelings when you are eating and how it can affect your mood. Especially if you are grabbing something fatty or not as nutritious to eat. You will definitely feel weighed down later on.

These are just a few things to pay attention to when you grab your next meal or snack. Be sure you enjoy it, especially if you just made a home cooked meal. Take the time and appreciate it